Best Super Bowl Ad Ever!

It’s Super Bowl Sunday, and you know what that means, don’t you? Advertisers spent millions of dollars for 30 seconds of airtime to plug their products during the game.

Not to be outdone, I’ve created my own ad to reveal the plan I’ll be testing in Month 3 of my 12 in 12 trial, and it only cost me $1.98!!


A big thank you to my BFF, Brenda C for making the props and taking the pics, and my daughter Vanessa for creating another awesome video for her technically challenged mother.

To learn more about the Paleo Diet, go to the 12 in 12 tab at the top of the page and then select 3. February from the dropdown menu.

The Results Are In

To find out how much I lost during Month 2, when I tested Weight Watchers, please go to the Measuring Up tab at the top of the page. Thank you once again to my dear friend Cindy, who took my progress shot. She’s convinced she sees a difference, but I don’t see or feel it yet.